Kaia Content Cards Activity

This table has 1 row per time a content card was triggered, per call, and per org id.

A single Kaia call may have multiple rows for the same content card ID - one for each content card moment triggered in that call.

ColumnTypeDefinitionSample Value(s)Sample Use
CONTENT_CARD_IDVarcharThe unique ID of the content card.
INSTANCE_IDVarcharThe Kaia meeting ID.
O_IDVarcharOrganization ID, also called instance ID. This is the ID for your unique Outreach account.Most commonly used on joins alongside other primary keys. where a.o_id = b.o_id and a.id = b.a_id
USER_GUIDVarcharThis guide of the user who creates or edits the highlight. This is only populated when the user manually pulls up card during the live meeting.
USER_IDVarcharThis indicates the user who creates or edits the highlight. This is only populated when the user manually pulls up card during the live meeting.
USER_STATEVarcharThis indicates the state imposed by the user.'KAIA_USER_ACTION_STATE_ACTIVE' (normal state), 'KAIA_USER_ACTION_STATE_REJECTED' (user chose to hide/cancel card)