Email Sentiment

This table has 1 row per reply to a sequenced email and per org id. Only the first reply is captured.

ColumnTypeDefinitionSample Value(s)Sample Use
CREATED_ATTimestamp_NTZWhen the machine learning model classified the reply.
INTENT_PREDICTION_CATEGORYVarcharA label describing the general sentiment or disposition of the email at a high level, as assigned by a machine learning model.'Objection', 'Other', 'Positive', 'Referral', 'Unsubscribe'
O_IDVarcharOrganization ID, also called instance ID. This is the ID for your unique Outreach account.
PREDICTION_LABELVarcharA label describing the general sentiment or disposition of the email at a more granular level, as assigned by a machine learning model.'objection_already_has_solution', 'objection_bad_timing', 'objection_financial', 'objection_no_reason', 'objection_not_right_person', 'objection_other_reasons', 'empty_body', 'override:out_of_office', 'other_intents', 'positive_misc_reasons', 'positive_need_information', 'positive_willing_to_meet', 'referral_specific_contacts', 'unsubscribe'
REPLIER_MESSAGE_IDVarcharThe ID of the associated replier_message_id that marks the first reply to that mailing that was received.Maps to the MAILINGS table