This table has 1 row per user and per org id.
Column | Type | Definition | Sample Value(s) | Sample Use |
BENTO | Varchar | A collection of machines that power the Outreach app. Orgs live inside these. | This may distinguish orgs that are in different data centers. | |
BRIDGE_PHONE | Varchar | The phone number associated with a users bridge_phone. Users may have more phones in the PHONES table. | ||
BRIDGE_PHONE_EXTENSION | Varchar | The extension of their associated bridge phone. | ||
CREATED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The date the user record was created. May occur long before users initial login due to associated activity. | ||
CREATOR_ID | Varchar | The ID of the associated creator. This maps to different tables based on the creator type. | ||
CREATOR_TYPE | Varchar | The type of object that created the user. | 'User', 'Plugin', 'Import' | |
CURRENT_SIGN_IN_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The UTC datetime for the most recent login for a user. With SSO and long sessions, a user may access the app multiple times based on a single "sign in". | ||
CUSTOM_FIELDS_LONG | Varchar | JSON-encoded custom fields. Use parse_json(custom_fields_long) to access nested fields. | {"custom1":"9000"} | |
DML_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | A datetime (local to server) in which the row was last modified. dml_at can be used to identify updated and new records, but as tables may not see changed records every day, it is not authoritative on when the table was last synced. | 2019-01-01 12:14:01:10 | Where dml_at::date >= current_date-7 This will return all rows modified in the last 7 days. |
DML_TYPE | Varchar | The type of manipulation that last occurred to a row. | 'update', 'delete', 'insert', 'backfill', 'backfill-delete' | Where dml_type <> 'delete' Excludes deleted rows. |
Varchar | The primary email associated with a user. This may differ from the MAILBOX email they use for Outreach. | |||
FIRST_NAME | Varchar | First name of the user. | ||
ID | Varchar | Represents an individual row of data in a table. Fields in other tables that match to this ID will be called thisTable_id. e.g. ID in the calls table will appear as the call_id in another table. | Count(1), count(id), and count(distinct id) are equivalent in a table without joins or groupings for a given bento & o_id. | |
INBOUND_BRIDGE_PHONE | Varchar | The phone number associated with a user for inbound calls. Users may have more phones in the PHONES table. | ||
INBOUND_BRIDGE_PHONE_EXTENSION | Varchar | The extension of their associated inbound bridge phone. | ||
INBOUND_CALL_BEHAVIOR | Varchar | How inbound calls should be routed when receiving an inbound call. | ||
INBOUND_PHONE_TYPE | Varchar | Dictates if an inbound call should only use Voip, Bridge, or a combination of bridge and voip. | 'voip', 'bridge', 'bridge_and_voip' | |
INBOUND_VOICEMAIL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_TEXT | Varchar | A text version of the automated voicemail response. | ||
INBOUND_VOICEMAIL_MESSAGE_TEXT_VOICE | Varchar | The type of voice to be used for the inbound voicemail. | ||
INBOUND_VOICEMAIL_PROMPT_TYPE | Varchar | The type of inbound voicemail to be used. | 'automated', 'off', 'recorded' | select user_id from users where inbound_voicemail_prompt = 'off'; returns a list of users with no inbound voicemail |
INVITED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The UTC datetime for when a user received an in-app invitation to Outreach. | ||
IS_DELETED_IN_APP | Boolean | Is the latest dml_type "delete" or "backfill-delete". | Where is_deleted_in_app = false Only keeps undeleted rows. | |
LAST_NAME | Varchar | The last name of the user. | ||
LAST_SIGNED_IN_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The date and time the user previously signed in. | ||
LOCKED | Boolean | A Boolean value of the users current ability to access Outreach. | ||
MAILBOX_ID | Varchar | The primary mailbox associated with a user. A user may have multiple mailboxes in the MAILBOX table beyond their primary. | ||
ONBOARDED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The UTC datetime for when a user completed their in-app onboarding after initial login. | ||
O_ID | Varchar | Organization ID, also called instance ID. This is the ID for your unique Outreach account. | Most commonly used on joins alongside other primary keys. where a.o_id = b.o_id and = b.a_id | |
PHONE | Varchar | The users primary phone number for outbound dialing. | ||
PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE | Varchar | The country code associated with the users primary phone. | ||
PHONE_ID | Varchar | The ID of the users primary phone in the PHONES table. | ||
PHONE_TYPE | Varchar | How the call executes calls when dialing. | 'voip', 'bridge' | |
PREFERRED_VOICE_REGION | Varchar | Typically NULL. What country code a user dials out of by default. | ||
PREFERS_LOCAL_PRESENCE | Boolean | Boolean field that dictates of a call should default to a local presence number when dialing via Outreach. | ||
PROFILE_ID | Varchar | The ID that maps a user to a profile in the PROFILES table. | Maps to the PROFILES table | |
ROLE | Varchar | The role associated with the user. | This column is deprecated. Use role_id instead. | |
ROLE_ID | Varchar | The ID of the role associated with the user. | Maps to the ROLES table. | |
SNIPPETS_VIEW_ID | Varchar | The ID of the user's snippets view | ||
SURROGATE_ID | Varchar | An md5 hash of bento, o_id and ID for a table. | This can be used to get distinct counts of records if an account has more than 1 org instance. Two orgs will both have a prospect with ID of "1" but each will have a different surrogate ID. | |
TEMPLATES_VIEW_ID | Varchar | The ID of the user's templates view | ||
TITLE | Varchar | The users job title as entered in Outreach. | ||
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp_NTZ | The UTC datetime for the last time this record was updated. | 2019-01-01 20:14:01:10 | Almost equivalent to dml_at (but adjusted for time zones), but doesn't include record creation or deletion. |
UPDATER_ID | Varchar | Same as creator_id above, but refers to who last did the update of the record. | ||
UPDATER_TYPE | Varchar | Same as creator_type above, but may allow different field values. | 'plugin', 'app', 'user', 'trigger', 'import' |