Funnel Insights

This table has 1 row of aggregated counts per user per UTC day and per org id.

ColumnTypeDefinitionSample Value(s)Sample Use
ACTIVITY_DATETimestamp_NTZThe UTC Day when the user performed any activities of tasks, mailing, meetings, or calls.This is used in the filter to define a timeframe for a report
ACTION_ITEM_TASK_COUNTNumberTotal action_item task countCan be used to sum(action_item_task_count) as total_action_item_task over a timeframe
ACTION_ITEM_TASK_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal action_item task count in any sequencesCan be used to sum(total_action_item_task_via_sequece_count) as total_action_item_task_via_sequence over a timeframe
BENTOVarcharA collection of machines that power the Outreach app. Orgs live inside these.This may distinguish orgs that are in different data centers.
CLICK_COUNTNumberTotal click count from mailings delivered. The clicked mail is only counted when it was clicked within 14 days of delivery dateCan be used to sum(click_count) as total_clicked over a timeframe.
EMAIL_CLICKED_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal emails sent in any sequences that are clicked within 14 days of deliveryCan be used to sum(email_clicked_via_sequence_count) as total_mails_opened_in_sequence over a timeframe
EMAIL_OPENED_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal emails sent in any sequences that are opened within 14 days of deliveryCan be used to sum(email_opened_via_sequence_count) as total_mails_opened_in_sequence over a timeframe
EMAIL_REPLIED_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal emails sent in any sequences that are replied within 14 days of deliveryCan be used to sum(email_replied_via_sequence_count) as total_mails_replied_in_sequence over a timeframe
EMAIL_SENT_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal emails sent in any sequencesCan be used to sum(email_sent_via_sequence_count) as total_mails_delivered_in_sequence over a timeframe
IN_PERSON_TASK_COUNTNumberTotal in_person task countCan be used to sum(in_person_task_count) as total_in_person_task over a timeframe
IN_PERSON_TASK_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal in_person task count in any sequencesCan be used to sum(total_in_person_task_via_sequece_count) as total_in_person_task_via_sequence over a timeframe
INBOUND_CALL_WITH_PROSPECT_COUNTNumberTotal inbound calls with a prospect countCan be used to sum(inbound_calls_with_prospect_count) as total_inbound_calls_with_prospect over a timeframe
INBOUND_CONNECT_COUNTNumberTotal inbound calls count that are connectedCan be used to sum(inbound_connect_count) as total_inbound_connect_calls over a timeframe
INBOUND_WITH_PROSPECT_CONNECT_COUNTNumberTotal inbound calls with a prospect connected countCan be used to sum(inbound_calls_with_prospect_connect) as total_inbound_calls_with_prospect_connect_count over a timeframe
LINKEDIN_TASK_COUNTNumberTotal linkedin task countCan be used to sum(linkedin_task_count) as total_linkedin_task over a timeframe
LINKEDIN_TASK_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal LinkedIn task count in any sequencesCan be used to sum(total_linkedin_task_via_sequece_count) as total_linkedin_task_via_sequence over a timeframe
MAILING_IN_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal mailing count from mailings that are from a sequenceCan be used to sum(total_mailing_count) as total_mails over a timeframe that are in a sequence
O_IDVarcharOrganization ID, also called instance ID. This is the ID for your unique Outreach account.Most commonly used on joins alongside other primary keys. where a.o_id = b.o_id and = b.a_id
OBJECTION_REPLY_COUNTNumberTotal reply count with a “objection“ sentiment from mailings delivered. The reply mail is only counted when it was replied within 14 days of delivery dateCan be used to sum(objection_reply_count) as total_objection_replies over a timeframe.
OPEN_COUNTNumberTotal open count from mailings delivered. The open mail is only counted when it was opened within 14 days of delivery dateCan be used to sum(open_count) as total_opened over a timeframe.
OBJECTION_REPLY_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal emails sent in any sequences that are replied within 14 days of delivery with a “objection” sentimentCan be used to sum(objection_reply_via_sequence_count) as total_mails_objection_replies_in_sequence over a timeframe
OTHER_REPLY_COUNTNumberTotal reply count with a “other“ sentiment from mailings delivered. The reply mail is only counted when it was replied within 14 days of delivery dateCan be used to sum(other_reply_count) as total_other_replies over a timeframe.
OTHER_REPLY_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal emails sent in any sequences that are replied within 14 days of delivery with a “other” sentimentCan be used to sum(other_reply_via_sequence_count) as total_mails_other_replies_in_sequence over a timeframe
OUTBOUND_CALL_WITH_PROSPECT_COUNTNumberTotal outbound calls with a prospect countCan be used to sum(outbound_calls_with_prospect_count) as total_outbound_calls_with_prospect over a timeframe
OUTBOUND_CONNECT_COUNTNumberTotal outbound calls count that are connectedCan be used to sum(outbound_connect_count) as total_outbound_connect_calls over a timeframe
OUTBOUND_WITH_PROSPECT_CONNECT_COUNTNumberTotal outbound calls with a prospect connected countCan be used to sum(outbound_calls_with_prospect_connect) as total_outbound_calls_with_prospect_connect_count over a timeframe
POSITIVE_REPLY_COUNTNumberTotal reply count with a “positive” sentiment from mailings delivered. The reply mail is only counted when it was replied within 14 days of delivery dateCan be used to sum(positive_reply_count) as total_positive_replies over a timeframe.
POSITIVE_REPLY_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal emails sent in any sequences that are replied within 14 days of delivery with a “positive” sentimentCan be used to sum(positive_reply_via_sequence_count) as total_mails_positive_replies_in_sequence over a timeframe
REPLY_COUNTNumberTotal reply count from mailings delivered. The reply mail is only counted when it was replied within 14 days of delivery dateCan be used to sum(reply_count) as total_replies over a timeframe.
REFERRAL_REPLY_COUNTNumberTotal reply count with a “referral“ sentiment from mailings delivered. The reply mail is only counted when it was replied within 14 days of delivery dateCan be used to sum(positive_reply_count) as total_referral_replies over a timeframe.
REFERRAL_REPLY_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal emails sent in any sequences that are replied within 14 days of delivery with a “referral” sentimentCan be used to sum(referral_reply_via_sequence_count) as total_mails_referral_replies_in_sequence over a timeframe
SMS_TASK_COUNTNumberTotal SMS task countCan be used to sum(sms_task_count) as total_sms_task over a timeframe
SMS_TASK_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal SMS task count in any sequencesCan be used to sum(total_sms_task_via_sequece_count) as total_sms_task_via_sequence over a timeframe
TOTAL_INBOUND_CALL_COUNTNumberTotal inbound call countCan be used to sum(total_inbound_call_count) as total_inbound_calls over a timeframe
TOTAL_INBOUND_CALLS_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal inbound calls from any sequences countCan be used to sum(total_inbound_calls_via_sequence_count) as total_inbound_calls_via_sequence over a timeframe
TOTAL_MAILING_COUNTNumberTotal mailingsCan be used to sum(total_mailing_count) as total_mails over a timeframe.
TOTAL_MEETING_BOOKED_COUNTNumberTotal meeting booked countCan be used to sum(total_meeting_booked_count) as total_meeting_booked over a timeframe
TOTAL_MEETING_BOOKED_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal meetings booked from any sequences countCan be used to sum(total_meeting_booked_via_sequence_count) as total_meeting_booked_via_sequence over a timeframe
TOTAL_MEETING_HELD_COUNTNumberTotal meetings held countCan be used to sum(total_meeting_held_count) as total_meeting_held over a timeframe
TOTAL_MEETING_HELD_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal meetings held from any sequences countCan be used to sum(total_meeting_held_via_sequence_count) as total_meeting_held_via_sequence over a timeframe
TOTAL_MEETING_SCHEDULED_COUNTNumberTotal meetings scheduled countCan be used to sum(total_meeting_scheduled_count) as total_meeting_scheduled over a timeframe
TOTAL_MEETING_SCHEDULED_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal meetings scheduled from any sequences countCan be used to sum(total_meeting_scheduled_via_sequence_count) as total_meeting_scheduled_via_sequence over a timeframe
TOTAL_OUTBOUND_CALL_COUNTNumberTotal outbound call countCan be used to sum(total_outbound_call_count) as total_outbound_calls over a timeframe
TOTAL_OUTBOUND_CALLS_ANSWERED_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal outbound calls answered from any sequences countCan be used to sum(total_outbound_calls_answered_via_sequence_count) as total_outbound_calls_answered_via_sequence over a timeframe
TOTAL_OUTBOUND_CALLS_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal outbound calls from any sequences countCan be used to sum(total_outbound_calls_via_sequence_count) as total_outbound_calls_via_sequence over a timeframe
TOTAL_TASK_COUNTNumberTotal task countCan be used to sum(total_task_count) as total_task over a timeframe
TOTAL_TASK_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal task count in any sequencesCan be used to sum(total_task_via_sequece_count) as total_task_via_sequence over a timeframe
UNSUBSCRIBE_REPLY_COUNTNumberTotal reply count with a “unsubscribe“ sentiment from mailings delivered. The reply mail is only counted when it was replied within 14 days of delivery dateCan be used to sum(unsubscribe_reply_count) as total_unsubscribe_replies over a timeframe.
UNSUBSCRIBE_REPLY_VIA_SEQUENCE_COUNTNumberTotal emails sent in any sequences that are replied within 14 days of delivery with a “unsubscribe” sentimentCan be used to sum(unsubscribe_reply_via_sequence_count) as total_mails_unsubscribe_replies_in_sequence over a timeframe
USER_IDVarcharThe associated user ID responsible for the activities. Maps to the USERS table.