An item that requires action to complete.
action | string <= 255 characters The action type of the task. Can be 'action_item', 'call', 'email', or 'in_person'. |
autoskipAt | string <date-time>
The optional date and time when the task will automatically be skipped. Tasks with an empty autoskip_at will never be autoskipped. |
compiledSequenceTemplateHtml | string The compiled template HTML of incomplete SMS or LinkedIn tasks associated with a sequence. |
completed | boolean A boolean value whether the task has been completed. |
completedAt | string <date-time> The date and time the task was completed. |
createdAt | string <date-time>
The date and time the task was created. |
dueAt | string <date-time>
The date and time the task is due. |
note | string <= 65535 characters An optional note for the task. |
opportunityAssociation | string <= 255 characters The optional opportunity rule associated with the task. Can be 'recent_created', 'recent_updated', 'noop'. |
scheduledAt | string <date-time>
The date and time the pending task is scheduled for. |
state | string <= 255 characters
The current state of the task. Can be 'pending', 'incomplete', or 'complete'. |
stateChangedAt | string <date-time>
The date and time the state last changed. |
taskType | string <= 255 characters
The type of task. Can be 'follow_up', 'manual', 'no_reply', 'sequence_open', 'sequence_click', 'sequence_step_call', 'sequence_step_email', 'sequence_step_linkedin_interact_with_post', 'sequence_step_linkedin_other', 'sequence_step_linkedin_send_connection_request', 'sequence_step_linkedin_send_message', 'sequence_step_linkedin_view_profile', 'sequence_step_sms', 'sequence_step_task', or 'touch'. Tasks created through the API will automatically be 'manual' tasks. |
updatedAt | string <date-time>
The date and time the task was last updated. |
{- "action": "string",
- "autoskipAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "compiledSequenceTemplateHtml": "string",
- "completed": true,
- "completedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "dueAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "note": "string",
- "opportunityAssociation": "string",
- "scheduledAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "state": "string",
- "stateChangedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "taskType": "string",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
data (object) or links (object) (account) The associated account. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by account (e.g. filter[account][id]=X). | |
data (object) or links (object) (call) The associated call, if a call task. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by call (e.g. filter[call][id]=X). | |
Array of links (object) (call) The associated calls, if a call task. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by calls (e.g. filter[calls][id]=X). | |
data (object) or links (object) (user) The completer of this task. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by completer (e.g. filter[completer][id]=X). | |
(sequenceStep (data (object) or links (object))) or (stage (data (object) or links (object))) or (user (data (object) or links (object))) The creator of this task. Relationship creator cannot be used as a filter. | |
data (object) or links (object) (mailing) The associated mailing, if a mailing task. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by mailing (e.g. filter[mailing][id]=X). | |
Array of links (object) (mailing) The associated mailings, if a mailing task. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by mailings (e.g. filter[mailings][id]=X). | |
data (object) or links (object) (opportunity) The associated opportunity. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by opportunity (e.g. filter[opportunity][id]=X). | |
data (object) or links (object) (user) The owner of this task. You can use attributes id, email and firstName to filter tasks by owner (e.g. filter[owner][id]=X). | |
data (object) or links (object) (prospect) The associated prospect. You can use attributes id, byPersonaId, byStageId, createdAt, firstName, tags, title and updatedAt to filter tasks by prospect (e.g. filter[prospect][id]=X). | |
data (object) or links (object) (sequence) The associated sequence. You can use attributes id and tags to filter tasks by sequence (e.g. filter[sequence][id]=X). | |
Array of data (object) or links (object) (sequenceStep) The sequence steps of the associated sequence. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by sequenceSequenceSteps (e.g. filter[sequenceSequenceSteps][id]=X). | |
data (object) or links (object) (sequenceState) The associated sequence state. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by sequenceState (e.g. filter[sequenceState][id]=X). | |
data (object) or links (object) (sequenceStep) The associated sequence step. You can use attributes id and stepType to filter tasks by sequenceStep (e.g. filter[sequenceStep][id]=X). | |
data (object) or links (object) (sequenceTemplate) The associated sequence template. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by sequenceTemplate (e.g. filter[sequenceTemplate][id]=X). | |
(account (data (object) or links (object))) or (opportunity (data (object) or links (object))) or (prospect (data (object) or links (object))) The task's subject, either an account or prospect. Relationship subject cannot be used as a filter. | |
data (object) or links (object) (taskDisposition) The associated task disposition. | |
data (object) or links (object) (taskPriority) The associated task priority. You can use attributes id and name to filter tasks by taskPriority (e.g. filter[taskPriority][id]=X). | |
data (object) or links (object) (taskPurpose) The associated task purpose. | |
data (object) or links (object) (template) The associated template. You can use only the attribute id to filter tasks by template (e.g. filter[template][id]=X). |
{- "account": {
- "data": {
- "id": 0,
- "type": "account"
}, - "call": {
- "data": {
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- "type": "call"
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- "type": "opportunity"
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- "data": {
- "id": 0,
- "type": "user"
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- "id": 0,
- "type": "sequence"
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- "data": {
- "id": 0,
- "type": "sequenceStep"
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- "data": {
- "id": 0,
- "type": "sequenceState"
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- "id": 0,
- "type": "sequenceStep"
}, - "sequenceTemplate": {
- "data": {
- "id": 0,
- "type": "sequenceTemplate"
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- "data": {
- "id": 0,
- "type": "prospect"
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- "data": {
- "id": 0,
- "type": "taskDisposition"
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- "id": 0,
- "type": "taskPriority"
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- "id": 0,
- "type": "taskPurpose"
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- "data": {
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canWrite | A boolean value indicating whether the current API user has write access to this resource. | provideAuthorizationMeta |
canDelete | A boolean value indicating whether the current API user has delete access to this resource. | provideAuthorizationMeta |
dataConnections | The set of connections a given Task has to external sources. | provideDataConnections |
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JSON error message
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Advances the sequence state associated with the task to the next step in the sequence. Note that only tasks with task_type of 'sequence_step_call', 'sequence_step_email', 'sequence_step_linkedin_interact_with_post', 'sequence_step_linkedin_other', 'sequence_step_linkedin_send_connection_request', 'sequence_step_linkedin_send_message', 'sequence_step_linkedin_view_profile', 'sequence_step_sms' or 'sequence_step_task' can be advanced.
JSON error message
{- "data": {
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Schedules the mailing associated with the task for delivery, if possible.
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Marks the meet in-person task as complete with specified task disposition and purpose.
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Marks the task as complete.
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Reassigns the owner of a task
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Reschedules a task by setting a new task due time.
JSON error message
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Sets the 'dueAt' value to be a day later than either now or the existing 'dueAt' value, whichever is later.
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Updates note of a task
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Updates opportunity association of a task
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